

Our vision is: Good Food. Better Life. To us, that means continually working to enhance the quality of our products and services, and to preserve the quality of the environment wherever we operate by minimising our impact on the land, water and air we use.


We regard compliance with the law as a minimum standard to be achieved. Our aim is to continuously improve our environmental performance by finding effective ways to reduce the adverse impacts of our business from farm to fork.

We recognize that we have a major social responsibility to reduce water usage, particularly in our drought affected areas, and we have already made significant reductions in the amount of water which we use.

To ensure that our actions match our commitment, we have established these environmental objectives. We will:

  • Establish and measure the environmental impacts of our operations, set targets for performance improvement and monitor our progress against those targets.
  • Implement environmental management systems to identify and manage environmental risks, obligations and opportunities, as with ISO 14000 for example.
  • Ensure that environmental impacts are identified and considered in all our decision-making processes.
  • Use natural resources wisely by reducing or eliminating waste and by re-using and recycling to the most practical extent.
  • Evaluate and invest in alternative sources of energy and advanced environmental technology where it makes sense to do so.
  • Apply McCAIN standards of responsible environmental practice where we believe that local legal requirements are insufficient for the operation.
  • Collaborate with our suppliers and customers to reduce the environmental impacts of our products and services throughout the supply chain while ensuring food safety and quality control.
  • Engage with community stakeholders on environmental issues with a view to developing effective and sustainable practices.
  • Monitor emerging environmental issues, regulatory changes, scientific data and technological advances to assist the continuous improvement of our environmental policies and practices.
  • Raise awareness of our environmental challenges with our employees, train them to effectively meet the intent of this policy and our objectives, and educate them on individual responsibility to advance environmental progress.
  • Conduct regular audits to verify compliance and inform continuous improvement.
  • Annually review and report on our progress in implementing our policy and meeting established targets.
  • Review this policy periodically and update it as required.

All employees are responsible for understanding how this policy applies to them in their day to day activities and for applying good environmental practices in the workplace.